
A home fire can be an extremely deadly event. It is important to know how to prevent them from happening and to practice emergency procedures. You should also make sure your family is educated on fire safety. You should never leave flammable materials like gasoline, matches, and candles near children. If you do, keep them away from pets and curtains.

Also, be sure to have a working fire escape plan. Make sure everyone knows what to do, and practice it regularly. In addition, you should ensure that you have two exits to each room. During an emergency, you should not try to go back into the home. Instead, meet outside. This way, you can give your children a chance to escape unharmed.

Food Safety

Food safety at home is essential for the health and safety of our families. More than one third of foodborne illness outbreaks are associated with home preparation of food. There are four basic steps to ensuring good food safety. The first is washing your hands, followed by using separate plates and utensils, cooking food at the right temperature, and avoiding cross-contamination.


Ensuring your doors and windows are locked properly is another key factor to optimum safety. Over time, locks on windows and doors can experience wear and tear which makes it even more important to check them regularly to ensure they operate as they are supposed to.



Post Author: scale admin

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